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New Year, Same Story... Always Thinking About Fishing

Just because it's the start of a new year doesn't change the fact that our mind remains set on fishing.

After all, there ain't any breaks in fishing.

It's always fishing season!

As you embark on another year of rippin' some lips, don't forget about the importance of the mental aspect of fishing.

Ever heard this quote...

"It's 90% mental and 10% physical".

Yep, it applies to fishing as well.

Conquer The Mental Aspect

Consider remaining open minded and willing to embrace the need for change.

Yes, each of us has a certain amount of stubbornness that we all can give testimony to.

It goes something like this... "They'll only bite a 1/4oz Texas-rigged, green pumpkin ribbon tail worm this time of year".

However, circumstances can change.

By being open-minded you allow yourself to have a proactive and reactive mindset both on and off the water helping you conquer the 90% mentioned above.

Practice being proactive by means of your preparation.

Like mentioned in our previous article, this could be in the form of making mental notes of what worked and what didn't work from previous fishing trips.

If fishing a new body of water, search the web for a water topo map that you can use to gauge what may be prospective fishing spots. Another great resource is Google Earth.

Another means of remaining proactive is having multiple tackle options that allow for different presentations; maybe a few topwater options, a few bottom presentations, etc.

Being reactive can pretty much be summed up as being the opposite of stubborn.

By being reactive, you're taking in information of small changes given to you while on water and making adjustments that could be the difference in getting a bite or getting skunked.

For example, you notice the wind changes directions so you make the decision to adjust your cast and retrieval direction to keep your presentation natural.

A few minutes later you get a bite. That's being reactive.

Don't Forget...

It starts between the ears.

To give you a real life example, this is why many people choose to use a fishing guide when seeking a good fishing experience.

A fishing guide does all the thinking for you... the hard part... the 90%.

A guide understands the general pattern of the fish, where many fish holding areas are, they are able to gauge how the fish will respond to certain weather conditions, they know exactly what lure to use for each situation, and they'll even tell you where to cast.

Using the above quote, they've done the 90% mental part for you!

All that's left is the 10% physical part of making a cast and catching a fish.

This is what makes fishing such a thrill for many of us who take the initiative to figure out the fish on our own.

You are your own guide on and off the water which makes it all the more important to place an emphasis on the mental aspect of the cat-and-mouse game we call FISHING.

Time to go catch em'!


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